Friday, March 14, 2008

First Mini Rose Bloom!!!

Here is the raised veggie bed all ready to go! We got 2 tomatoes both determinate the desert if you get indeterminate you'll have a looming menace of a tomato on your hands! LOL Yup they turn into large ever growing monsters that get out of control! We have such a long growing season that it's better to get determinate varieties so that they will produce and be done...then we can always plant another set later. One time we planted an indeterminate cherry tomato and the thing went wild and we would even find tomato plants growing like weeds!
OK we also planted a six pack of strawberries! YUM
We used some landscape fabric this time to see how it works out, we've never really used it before, we'll get some mulch to cover over it too.
WOO HOO first mini rose bloom!!! We love these Fairy Roses so much we had to get some for this garden too.
Here is an overall shot of's little now...but it will grow and billow! And you can see Don Juan back there still hasn't budded out but all the other roses have...we are worried it's going to die. Anybody got any tips to try and save it other than...wait and see?
See here? Look closely and you can see a ROSE BUD!!!!! Yup, now I'm sure you understand why we are worried about Don Juan all the other roses are off and running!
Sweet Pea still going, it's SO my favorite I have a huge bouquet in the house from it all the time! The Bougainvillea behind it is budding out too and you can see the hollyhocks are starting their run!
I just thought that little Viola that popped up in "Cupid" a short variety of Sweet Pea was just so adorable! We love Cupid so much we are for sure going to plant it next winter in larger quantities.

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