Monday, May 11, 2009

What's New?

Well...this hollyhock is HUGE and finally blooming!
Also a surprise is the double flower in the dark red shade! We love it!
Another pretty pink one started blooming too!
The canna and dwarf sunflower are really getting going!
And take a wild guess what happened when we visited Lowe's...yup we bought 2 more passionflowers! LOL Well they were the smaller lower cost ones and different varieties! How could we resist? I will say we were very good and didn't buy the $25 clematis that was SO PRETTY and so tempting!!! I mean it's not everyday you see clematis in the desert! Wow this is how bad it is...I kinda wish we had bought it! HAHAHA
OH and 'Lavender Lady' has a fruit growing! I just read the article linked to the name below and I guess we will soon see exactly what specimen this is...bummer about the fruit being hollow though.
These two are:
Passiflora 'Lavender Lady'
Passiflora 'Blue Bouquet'

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