"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17 (NIV)
"Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." James 1:17 (NLT)
As I read that verse I felt the Lord speaking to my heart a promise, that if I would trust him and be transparent he WILL shine through me.
That is very hard to do! When you are transparent, others can SEE YOU, and if others see you there is a risk of being hurt by them! You risk being judged, rejected, you name it, that is one of my biggest fears! Yet lately God has been challenging me to open up more and more, to be transparent, to let him shine through me how he wants to.
I also fear if I let others see my brokenness, my imperfections and weaknesses that they won't see God in me but just a bunch of blah.
I love this friend! It is awesome what God is doing in you, what He is going to begin doing through you, and what He already does through you that you don't even see! He is awesome and has made you that way because He lives in you! Never forget that. Like that David Crowder song says "He makes everything glorious... what does that make me?" Love you!
I love this friend! It is amazing what God is doing in you, is going to begin doing through you, and already does through you that you don't even see. God is awesome and so are you because He lives in you! Never forget that. It is like that David Crowder song says, "He makes everything glorious... what does that make me?" :) Love ya!
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