Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First Morning Glory Bloom

Robot gaurding the Morning Glories
"Blue Star" Morning Glory bloomed today! When we planted in this spot we didn't realize the sun would be moving. It was full sun and now it's mostly in shade but since morning glories are so tough they are tolerating it and growing anyway. After they get tall they will have full sun it's just that the fence shades them right now.


Rhonda said...

Oh my gosh...the little robot is adorable.

Rhonda said...

Thanks for understanding the gardenphobe problem...we lived 18 years in AZ..so I know those people who say nothing grows in the desert..actually the desert itself is not only growing..but can be incredibly beautiful. Get out there and convert some gardenphobes..they've no idea what they're missing. P.S. I love the way you incorporate the stones as mulch...most unusual with those type of flowers..it's great looking.

chey said...

I really like the color of your morning glory! They grow well for us here in Nova Scotia also. They must be a very versatile vine. Cute robot as well!

Melissa said...

Oh yes Morning Glories are one of the easiest things to grow anywhere! They grow like weeds out here, but they are so beautiful that no one minds! LOL